
Party Themes

How to Have a Glamour Party for Girls

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Most little girls love to wear make-up and get their hair and nails done, so having a glamour party will be one they will want to attend. With this easy party set-up, you can give the girls can get the royal treatment without having to go to the salon!

How to have a glamour party-ideas from a mom who did this at home

Photo from Pixabay

I have done this party for both of my daughters-one when she was seven and the other when she was eight. Both were successful and my daughters and their friends loved it!

Getting Help for Your Glamour Party

This type of party requires stations, and there is no way one parent can do it alone. For each party, I hired two neighborhood teens to be my helpers. I gave them an upfront dollar amount for the ninety minute party and half hour of clean-up, so they knew in advance what they were earning before a tip. Each girl was going to be in charge of one station, as well as helping to serve the food. I was going to be in charge of the other station. Both times the girls were a hit because younger girls admire older ones-and in my younger daughter’s case, her friends were just wild about her big sister!

At my younger daughter’s glamour party, I also had a few friends who decided to stick around, so they were helpful in making the party run more efficiently.

Invitations to a Glamour Birthday Party

You can make your invitations to the glamour party as fancy as you want. 

I sealed the envelopes with makeup scrapbook stickers. 

If you want to add some extra pizzazz, inside the envelope, you can insert metallic cosmetic confetti that can be found online or at party stores.

Since we were going to be styling the girls’ hair, on the invitation I requested that each girl bring in a paper bag with her own hairbrush with her name on it. No one was allowed to share brushes, hair accessories or combs.

Preparing for a Glamour Party

With this kind of party, there was going to be some down time while the girls waited for their turn for hair and nails. In order to prevent chaos, I made packets for each girl. I created a word search with all of the names of the girls who were at the party (You can make yours here). I also created a crossword puzzle with the answers about my daughter. For example, the clue for one across was “Favorite Color”. 

I also printed out two coloring pages, some mazes, and had a basket of crayons and sharpened pencils for the girls to use. While the girls did not have to do these packets, most did a few pages. They were able to take them home with them when the party was over.

For the hair station, you will need to buy small rubber bands for the hair creations and a bottle of hairspray. It is also good to have a spritz bottle for water.

Hair bands for a glamour party

For the nail station, have no more than three choices for nails. When I had too many, the girls wanted each nail a different color. This slowed my helper down, as she did not want to say no. Making a little poster to hang up near the station saying “Only one color, please” or “Choose one color and one design” will prevent that from happening.

Nail decals can be applied if the party has a small number of girls. If you have too many, these decals can be part of the goodie bag.

Nail decals make a great item for your glamour party goody bag

Paper Goods

Here is a fun party package that fits the theme.

Spa glamour party paper goods

This party package includes:

24 Straws in stripes, chevron and dot designs
16 luncheon napkins
16 hot/cold cups
16 9" round dinner plates
1 plastic table cover, 54" x 102"

Crafts for a Glamour Party

You can choose any kind of craft for the craft station. Just be sure to buy enough materials for each girl, and have one or two extra just in case.

If you want something easy, here is a DIY mirror.

DIY mirror for an easy craft for a glamour party

For my older daughter’s party, I had the girls make their own goody bags.


Small white tote bag

Sharpie markers

The girls wrote their names on the bags and colored them any way they wanted to. My helper made sure that they did not get anything on themselves or my covered table! She also helped them fill the bags.

At my younger daughter’s party, they decorated their own cupcakes. I baked jumbo sized cupcakes the night before and bought tubs of chocolate and vanilla icing. I set out bowls and plastic spoons with all sorts of goodies to stick to the frosting:

Colored sprinkles

Chocolate sprinkles

Chocolate chips

M & M’s

Candy hearts

Gummy bears

Colored sugar

Each girl got a paper plate and wrote her name on it with a marker so she would remember which one was hers. I also had plastic bags ready for the girls to put their leftover cupcake into so she could get it home without ruining her parent’s car.

The last thing I did to prepare for the party was divide the girls into groups. Your daughter is going to want her best friends with her, and she can help you decide which girls would make a good group. As the adult in charge, you make the decision where the girls go.

Timing the Glamour Party

In order to keep the party to ninety minutes, timing is crucial. Each station should be twenty minutes, saving cake and snacks the other half hour (and this is even a bit much for this. Twenty minutes is enough for the girls to eat).

Glamour Party Favors

You can make your own goody bag with items you selected or you can go easy on yourself and use one of these ready made glamour party favor kits.

12 Petite Girls Cosmetic Sets in Bag for a glamour party favor

Hosting both my daughters' glamour birthday parties is something I remember with fondness, and they do too!

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